Get our Judging System for $1/Car!

Email us at to find out how.


If you are an event organizer using a paper-based car show judging process, then you are very familiar with the problems that come with it:

  • Missing registration forms at the point of entry
  • Adding last-minute entries at the venue as they roll in
  • Placing cars into the right judging classes
  • Collecting all the judges’ completed judging sheets
  • Ensuring that all participating cars are judged – sometimes, judges simply cannot find their assigned cars
  • Tallying up all the scores, manually, in time for the trophy presentation

These problems end up frustrating everyone involved – you, the car owners, the judges, the announcers – and negatively affect your show’s reputation. We have been to many shows where the car owners simply drove away before the trophy presentation, because they felt that their cars were not judged properly, the presentation was severely delayed, or they lost faith in the organizers’ ability to run a fair and timely judging process. Show attendees also all but disappeared before the presentation because of the delays. A negative experience for car owners and attendees hurts the reputation of the show, and adversely affects future attendance numbers.

Get the Chariotz Car Show Judging System for your event, and take advantage of these unique features:

  1. Add stories, and photos and detailed info for each car, to help judges and attendees learn more about the cars
  2. Use our system-generated QR codes to geolocate the cars within your venue so judges and attendees can discover them, or find specific ones
  3. Display the QR codes on the cars’ dashboards or windshields to allow judges and attendees to learn more about the cars when they scan the codes (patent pending)
  4. Engage attendees by running a contest using QR Code scans, or asking them to “Like” their favorite cars to help select a Fan Favorite
  5. Car Owners: If you display your car at multiple shows during the year, create a History Map of where your car has been

What Show Organizers Are Saying

“We had been using a paper judging system for the past 7 years and when it came time to compute the scores it was so time consuming. This year by using the Chariotz Judging System the scores were instant! Scanning the QR codes was easy for the judges and they were amazed at how simple it could be without all the paper!” Kim Valentin – Pickens County Meals on Wheels

“Overall, really enjoyed the Chariotz experience. The process of briefing judges on the process and the efficiency of that process made our show a success. The Chariotz staff was extremely helpful in fine-tuning the system for our needs and were very responsive in addressing our questions. Our needs were beyond the scope of the Chariotz design but they didn’t bat an eye when we asked for changes to accommodate our needs on short notice. Highly recommend this app and can’t wait to see how it develops and matures!” Alex Gauthier – Growlfest

How The Judging System Works

Event Organizer

The event organizer performs the initial setup on the CHARIOTZ Judging site by:

  • Entering the judging classes
  • Entering the judging criteria for each car
  • Assigning registered cars to specific judging classes
  • Assigning judges to specific judging classes
  • Adding cars directly at the show, using the Judging site or the CHARIOTZ Judge app
  • Printing the QR code sheets and getting the owners or show staff to display them on the cars’ dashboards
  • OPTIONAL: Adding cars from another system (e.g. your event registration site) by importing a XLS (Microsoft Excel) file

During the event, the organizer views the dashboard on the Judging site, which displays:

  • Aggregate score for every car, with its ranking in its assigned class
  • Judges’ scores and comments
  • Which judges have not completed judging their assigned cars
  • A “Fan Favorite” by aggregating the “Likes” from show attendees who use the CHARIOTZ app
Car Owners

Each display car owner registers his or her car for judging by doing the following on the CHARIOTZ site or app (iOS or Android):

  • Uploading photos of the car
  • Adding a description and the car’s story
  • Adding info tags to pinpoint modifications and restorations done
  • Associating the car to the specific car show, either by clicking on the “Add Display Vehicle to this Event” button on the show’s page, or by selecting the show in the “Select Event Where You Will be Displaying This Vehicle” during the upload process.
  • NOTE: We also create a special Upload link that organizers can send to all owners, which automatically adds their cars to the event

Each judge judges the cars assigned to him/her on the CHARIOTZ Judge app (iOS or Android) by:

  • Selecting a car to judge from the album of assigned cars, or by scanning the QR code displayed on the car, which takes him or her directly to photos of the vehicle, along with its story and all modification and restoration information
  • Scoring it on all criteria, and adding comments if desired
  • OPTIONAL: If a judge does not use the app, his/her paper scores can be entered manually on the Judging site

The CHARIOTZ Judging System transformed the Benedict Castle Concours by giving the organizers a simple and accurate judging process, while also significantly increasing attendee engagement.

No more fumbling with car judging sheets, no more running after judges to collect those sheets, no more cars being missed, and no more hurried manual and error-prone totaling of scores!


Learn more about setting up and using the system HERE.

Email us today at to get started.



Here is a short video on how our patent-pending QR Code Technology enables car owners to tell the stories behind their cars to judges and show attendees.

We showcased our innovative Car Show Judging System and App at the 4th Annual Benedict Castle Concours in Riverside, California on March 26th, 2017. The show, run by Teen Challenge of Southern California, had over 200 cars and trucks from all genres of the car hobby, divided into 26 judging classes, and spread across a large area. The show organizers ran the entire judging process through our system.

Below is a handout that all Benedict Castle Concours attendees received, which enabled them to view all the vehicles being displayed at the show, and then vote for their favorite ones and win prizes. See the display vehicles HERE.

Benedict Castle Concours Flyer

Last Updated: November 20, 2020